Research and Evaluation

At Medics against Violence we are keen to know that what we are doing works. So we work with students and academic partners to evaluate what we do. We also carry out research into different aspects of violence. Some of the research we’ve been involved with is below. 

This page is being updated regularly. 

MAV School Programme (2013)

Our school programme was evaluated in 2012 by Dr Anna Gavine, a PhD student working at St Andrew's University, the work formed part of her PhD. Her summary report can be viewed using the title link. We made adaptations to our school programme based on her report which included commissioning a new film for use as part of the programme.

brave Confident Strong Individuals: Development of a Primary School Resource (2014-15)

This document details the background evidence and information that was collected by researchers from the University of St Andrews to inform the development of bCSI a new programme for primary schools

brave Confident Strong Individuals: Technical Report (2015)

This work was undertaken to test out materials developed by Medics Against Violence (MAV) for the bCSI programme. Of particular interest was to identify what the young people thought of the content and look of the programme. More specifically, it was intended to examine how they engaged with the material, if they found the programme relevant, if they could identify with the characters and whether it was interest to them.

Assault–related sharp force injury among adults in Scotland 2001–2013: Incidence, socio-demographic determinants and relationship to violence reduction measures (2017)

We concluded that there already exist a range of violence prevention measures in Scotland, but in order to further reduce the inequality associated with sharp force injury, interventions should be further targeted to working with younger men from deprived communities of Scotland. Most of this work was carried out by Fiona MacFie, Dental Student.

Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Emergency Department Staff Perceptions of the Navigator Programme (2017)

The aim of this qualitative study, that forms part of a wider evaluation of the impact of the Navigator programme, was to determine the views of the ED staff on perceived benefits to the ED patient cohort. The study was undertaken by Jessica Jameson ED StR.

A Qualitative Evaluation of Navigator: Service Users (2018)

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the Navigator programme from the point of view of the service users. Using qualitative interviews and thematic analysis, we explored service users' perceptions of how the service supported them and whether this support was effective in creating a lasting change in their lives. The study was undertaken by Lois Steuart, Medical Student.

The Navigator Approach to Domestic Abuse (2018)

The aim of this study was to determine how the Navigator programme helps victims of domestic abuse move away from violent lifestyles toward a healthier, sustainable lifestyle that is free from violence. Very few studies have evaluated the outcomes of hospital based violence intervention programmes for service users who have experienced domestic abuse. This research was undertaken by Clara Young, Global Health MSc student

The Navigator Programme: A novel way to reduce presentations to the Emergency Department (2019)

The high rate of engagement with the Navigator programme and the significant reduction in attendance among those who engaged with the programme demonstrates the potential of the Navigator programme to help our stretched emergency services and to contribute to the ongoing programme of violence reduction in Scotland. This study was undertaken by Stephen MaGill, ED Doctor and Dental Student

A Rapid Review of Interventions for Youth & Gang Violence UK: 2019

This review was undertaken to determine if there were any promising interventions for youth or gang violence that could be applied to our work. The study was undertaken by Wai Shun (Wilson) Chak visiting Medical Student from Hong Kong.

Making Work Safer: A Qualitative Study to Explore the Impact of Violence on Clinical Staff in Scottish Emergency Departments (2021)

The aim of this study was to explore the nature of violence against staff in Scottish EDs, the effects that it may have on the staff and further sought to gather their views on how violence against staff can be addressed and prevented. The study was undertaken by Molly Scott, Medical Student.

Youth Navigator: An Exploration of how youth work can enhance the services provided to young people in the Emergency Department (2022)

This project is an early evaluation of Youth Navigator Service within Glasgow’s Royal Hospital for Children. Qualitative interviews with clinical staff, explored the role youth work can play in supporting young person attending Emergency Departments with a background of complex psychosocial needs. The study was undertaken by Mark McSorley, Medical Student

Youth Navigator: A Service Evaluation. Can Youth Navigator Intervention Alter Emergency Department Attendance for Young People? (2024)

The primary aim of this quantitative study was to evaluate the impact of Youth Navigator on Emergency Department attendance for young people aged 12-16 experiencing adversity related injury or adverse social circumstances. The study was undertaken by medical student Sofia Adams Nisbett with support from Ryan McHenry and Christine Goodall