Each year, the 16 Days of Action Global Campaign runs between November 25th (International Day Against Violence Against Women) and December 10th (International Human Rights Day). Launched in 1991, the campaign calls for the elimination of all gender-based violence and has had a reach of over 300 million.
This year, Medics Against Violence and our Navigators have partnered with fellow charity EmilyTest in launching our campaign #inyourshoes #takesteps.
We used social media to highlight shoes and voices of those affected by gender-based violence. Some of us have been directly affected by GBV and others work hard to end it or provide support. We hope our stories and affirmations will encourage you to put yourselves in the shoes of those affected by GBV, or in the shoes of those who support them. There are many simple things we can all do to provide support and help end gender-based violence.
Here are our shoes...
EmilyTest was founded by Fiona Drouet, who lost her daughter to suicide after she was abused by her boyfriend at university. Fiona works to raise awareness of gender-based violence in schools, colleges and universities and to improve support for students who are affected by it. You can read more about the important work on their website.
There are many support organisations available for people affected by gender based violence – here is a helpful list.