We are a registered Scottish charity of healthcare professionals adopting a public-health approach to violence reduction because we believe prevention is better than cure.
By adopting a public health approach, we believe in working in partnership to help create a better Scotland.
No matter the cause or form of violence, we will continue to campaign and collaborate on strategies aimed at reducing incidences of mortality or morbidity as a result of violence.
As experienced healthcare professionals, we believe we have a professional responsibility to contribute to educating the general public in matters relating to violence – particularly from a healthcare perspective. We work with schools, colleges and universities across Scotland in delivering violence-reduction education.
We advocate and promote a public health approach to violence reduction, working with the World Health Organisation’s Violence Prevention Alliance in considering all causes of ill-health and working with all sectors to combat these.
By continuing to contribute to the evidence around violence, its causes and positive interventions, we aim to contribute to sharing best practice with other agencies attempting to achieve the same. Additionally, we work with government, the public and third sectors to design strategies to tackle incidences of violence.
In 2022 we worked with Inspiring Scotland to develop a strategy to take us through the next 5 years. We worked on this as a board and with our staff team and produced this roadmap. As of 2024 we are pleased to say we have already achieved some significant milestones contained in our strategy and we are currently working on refreshing it.
If we have prevented just one needless death or
serious injury through our work, we feel all our
efforts have been worthwhile.
Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol.
Safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all.
Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.
Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere.
We have picked selections from each of the outcomes which align with our organisational aims and ethos, and ensure our programmes are aligned with them.
We ensure childhood is free from abuse, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, poverty and hunger. We include and involve children in decisions about their lives and world, and protect their rights, dignity and wellbeing.
We recognise the fundamental equality of all humans and strive to reflect this in our day to day functioning as a nation. We provide the care people need with love, understanding and dignity.
We regard the health of all our people as being of upmost importance. Our approach is integrated, preventative and person-centred. We are focused on resolving needs in order to achieve positive health, care and wellbeing outcomes.
We are all able to enjoy financial security, have a decent job, home and a good life.
During 2022-23 we were part of a large group of partners who participated in the creation of the Scotland's new Violence Prevention Framework. This Framework sets out a vision to prevent violence across Scotland, and when it does occur, to reduce its harm. We helped Siobhan Brown MSP, Minister for Victims and Community Safety launch the framework document in 2023 and we are working towards some of its specific aims. You can access it here https://www.gov.scot/publications/violence-prevention-framework-scotland/pages/6/
MAV is a company limited by guarantee in Scotland SC370211. We are a registered charity SC041153.
Registered office: Wellpark-Kirkhaven Enterprise Centre, 120 Sydney Street, Glasgow G31 1JF.
We receive funding from the Scottish Government.
We are committed to the principles of Fair Work First.
We pay at least the Real Living Wage to all employees
We are committed to supporting all employees to have a voice within our organisation.