We are a registered Scottish charity of healthcare professionals adopting a public-health approach to violence reduction because we believe prevention is better than cure.

Our Partners

We believe building strong relationships with partner agencies is crucial, working together to achieved shared goals.

Who we work with

We work closely with some great organisations throughout the country, and beyond, to deliver our projects and achieve our charitable objectives.

NHS Partners

Most of our board members work within the NHS but as a charity we also work very closely with them on our Navigator and Youth Navigator programmes

The Scottish Government

We work closely with the Scottish Government’s Safer Communities Directorate in violence reduction, assisting with informing policy from a healthcare perspective.

Led by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Kenneth Brown MSP, the Directorate’s responsibilities include violence reduction, reducing reoffending and criminal justice social work.

World Health Organisation

We have been a member of the World Health Organisation’s Violence Prevention Alliance since 2009.

The Alliance allows strong collaboration on violence prevention among its members organisations, promoting an evidenced-based public health approach to targeting the risk factors for violence and measured interventions to address them.

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